287 Sargeant St Hartford CT
SOLD March 2023 

Interested developers must first submit a Developer Request for Qualification (RFQ) Application. Qualified developers will then be invited to submit a formal development Proposal.

Circa 1880 two-family wood-frame home with Victorian details. Walking distance to St Francis Hospital and Homestead Avenue and Asylum Avenue business districts, easy access to bus routes. See below for more information.

This property has been identified as a “Homeownership Opportunity”. HLB recognizes that redevelopment of this property may include an appraisal gap and is committed to assisting developers through its new gap financing program.


Neighborhood: Asylum Hill
Property Type: Residential, 2 units
Year Built: c. 1880
Zoning Classification: N2-2
Parcel ID: 177252026
Structure Size (sq ft) 3,167
HLB Incentives Available: Contact HLB
Property Condition: Fair
Eligible Transferee: Developer/Homeowner
HLB Desired End Use: Rental
Eligible and/or Approved Use: Residential Occupancy
Historic Designation*: TBD
HLB Acquisition Date: 10/21/22
HLB Status/Phase**: Sold March 2023
Developer RFQ Due Date: 11/14/22
RFP Due Date: 12/05/22


*Properties on state or national historic registers may qualify for rehab financing. Please contact the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) or the Hartford Preservation Alliance for information.

**Click here for a full list of Hartford Land Bank properties, with information on each parcel, including definitions of each “HLB Status/Phase“.